Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide

Working abroad

The status of artists and other persons engaged in the cultural sector various from country to country. Information and advice may be obtained from the following organisations:

Belgium: The Cultuurloket website offers detailed information on artistic status in Belgium (only available in Dutch). 

France: MobiCulture supports mobility for those wishing to travel to France. Individual inquiries are possible; the website offers information on work permits and social security, among other topics. 

French border area, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium: Künstlermobilität in der Großregion ( artists' mobility in the greater region), topics: legal status, health insurance, unemployment, pensions, taxation (only available in German and French).

Temporary work in France and Germany
Temporary work in France and Belgium

In collaboration with the Grand Est region, touring artists, Cultuurloket and MobiCulture, and Mobility Information Points in Germany, Belgium and France have developed the "bilateral checklist" tool to support artists and cultural professionals with the legal and administrative procedures related to their projects across these countries.

The present checklists explain the administrative procedures and regulations that must be observed when artists and cultural professionals work in both Germany and France or in France and Belgium.

France – Germany

Bilateral Checklist for temporary work in France and Germany (pdf)

Bilaterale Checkliste für temporäres Arbeiten in Frankreich und Deutschland (pdf)

Checkliste bilatérale pour des séjours de travail temporaires en France et en Allemagne (pdf)

France – Belgium

Bilateral Checklist for temporary work in France and Belgium (pdf)

Checkliste bilatérale pour des séjours de travail temporaires en France et en Belgique (pdf)

Bilaterale checklist voor grensoverschrijdend werk tussen Frankrijk en België (pdf)

Temporary work in Switzerland

KulturHub and touring artists provide a checklist for temporary work in Switzerland:
checklist pdf (in German)

Arts Infopoint UK: Information on the United Kingdom and Wales

Austria: Information on labour law and forms of employment in Austria are provided at the webpage SMartAT Mobility.

Basic information on self-employed and employed artists is provided in the fact sheets of the Austrian Association of Independent Theatre: Sozialversicherung (Social Security) (only available in German), including information on different types of contracts and Der Künstler-Sozialversicherungsfond (The Artists’ Social Security Fund (only availalbe in German). Further information is available here (only available in German). 

USA: the following websites provide information on the status in the US:
Artists from Abroad
League of American Orchestras
APAP Association of Performing Arts Professionals

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