Here we go!
Now online: Mobility Arts & Culture Austria
OTM: International Mobility of Artists and Culture Professionals: The Lexicon
Changes in 2025
PEARLE*/EFA: Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: Third-Country National Artists Working in the EU (2024)
Our database of funding programs for international mobility has been revised and is online again.
28 November 2024: Interconnected: Strategies and Benefits of International Networking in the Arts, PLATFORM München / online
18-20 November 2024: Un/gleich/zeitig – Annual Conference of the Berlin Performing Arts Program 2024 / Berlin
28 October 2024: EMMA Masterclass: Visa Essentials for Artist Managers / online
21 October 2024: MONTHLY MEET-UP - Best of KSK / Berlin
Checklist "Working between the Czech Republic and Germany" by and TA
26 September 2024: BETA Konferenz. Für Kreative in Sachsen / Leisnig
23 September 2024: MONTHLY MEET-UP - Producing in the performing arts / Berlin
21 August 2024: Kreative Kultur Berlin & touring artists - #07 Get connected! Berlin's organizations for international artists / Berlin
15 August 2024: Kreative Kultur Berlin & touring artists - #06 Get started! Health and pension insurance basics / online
Case study: Sustainable travel between the UK and Germany
8 August 2024: Kreative Kultur Berlin & touring artists - #05 Get started! Introduction to Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) / online
1 August 2024: Kreative Kultur Berlin & touring artists - #04 Get started! Basics of international taxing for freelancers / online
25 July 2024: Kreative Kultur Berlin & touring artists - #03 Get started! Orientation in taxes and invoicing / online
July/August 2024: Kreative Kultur Berlin & touring artists - event series ‘Get started! First steps in self-employment’ / online & Berlin
1 July 2024: MONTHLY MEET-UP - Working outside and in public spaces / Berlin
Checklist on working between Austria and Germany (in German)
24-26 June 2024: INTHEGA-Kongress 2024 - theatre market and conference/ Bielefeld
14 June 2024: “Queer Art Bridge Berlin” Meet-up / Berlin
29 May 2024: Kreativ-Transfer - Input and Q&A "transport & costums“ / online
27 May 2024: MONTHLY MEET-UP - Contracts / Berlin
25 May 2024: Making it in Berlin - Immigration, Integration, and Collaboration / Berlin
Checklist on temporary work in Switzerland (in German)
Online workshop 'Taxes in Germany', German Dance Association - watch the video!
Online workshop 'Social Security in Germany', German Dance Association - watch the video!
Transports of works of art, merchandise, etc. from the UK to Germany for sale
Changes and news from the administration at the turn of the year
Guidelines by TK: A1 application in the new SV registration portal
Information and advice on other countries: the Mobility Info Points (MIPs)
MIP Handbook launched: How to set up a Mobility Information Point (MIP)... and make it last!
Ebeling/Riad: Guidelines on migration law for cooperation between artists and art associations in Germany
BFDK: Am äußersten Rand? Marginalisierte Akteur*innen in den darstellenden Künsten und Barrieren im Zugang zu sozialen Sicherungssystemen
Report: Schengen Visa Code and Cultural Mobility: Latest Insights with a Focus on Artists and Culture Professionals from the African Continent
Cross-border commuters and home office & social security +++ Airport transit visa for Cuban nationals
EU Provides Clarity Regarding Portable Musical Instruments.The key qualifying question being: Can you carry it?
British in Germany/in the EU – access to the European labour market for British culture professionals protected by the Withdrawal Agreement
So geht Touren in UK - video, seminar of Initiative Musik
Information on administrative and legal basics - sorted by topics: visa / residence, contracts / gainful activity, social security, transport / customs, income tax, VAT, insurances, copyright
Individual consultations for artists and culture professionals on the administrative rules of international projects and working stays abroad / in Germany
FOCUS / Current issues
Information on touring artists in plain language (German).
Which residence permit do non-EU nationals need to take up freelance work or employment as an artist?
What is relevant for fees paid to artists from abroad? When are foreign organisers required to pay contributions?
What do I have to do for health insurance if I work in several countries at the same time?
Information and support for artists and cultural workers who are new to Berlin.
Our checklist for temporary work between Germany and France.
touring artists is a service for internationally active artists and creative professionals, focus: administration in Germany.
touring artists is a member of the network Mobility Info Points within the organisation On the Move
Database with programmes in Germany that support international projects and activities
Know-how for creative activities between Germany and the United Kingdom