Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide


Check list on working between Austria and Germany

The checklist (in German) can be found here.
(June 2024)


Check list 'Temporary work in Switzerland'

The checklist (in German) can be found here.
(April 2024)


Basics of VAT in Germany

The information is available here
(March 2024)


Bayerische Bühnenversorgung

Information on the Bayerische Bühnenversorgung, a.o. on the questions:
Can artists residing abroad be exempted from the obligation to hold this insurance cover? Can artists residing abroad be reimbursed for contributions paid?
Information is available here
(June 2023)


Advisory services and contact points in Germany

An overview of advisory services and contact points on administrative issues (predominantly without reference to foreign countries) in Germany specific to the sector and on contacts in the (regional) scene can be found here. Some of them offer individual consultations, professionalisation programmes etc.
(May 2023)


British in Germany/in the EU

Access to the European labour market for British culture professionals protected by the Withdrawal Agreement.
Information is available here.
(April 2023)


Withholding tax in Denmark and Luxembourg

In many countries, withholding tax (a type of double income tax; another common term is "foreigner tax") is levied for artistic performances or for the exploitation of rights of use. Information on withholding tax in Denmark and in Luxembourg is available here - in cooperation with CultureBooking.
(April 2023)


Organisations – Networks: Country list

Our country list with contact points abroad that offer information and/or advice in the field of international work is online again. Sorted by country, you can search for cultural institutions that you may contact if you have any questions. Find it here.
(March 2023)


Visa and residence conditions pursuant to Section 22 Sentence 2 AufenthG (humanitarian grounds)

The section contains information about visa and residence conditions pursuant to Section 22 Sentence 2 of the German Residence Act (AufenthG – Aufenthaltsgesetz). Section 22 AufenthG states that: “A foreigner may be granted a temporary residence permit for the purpose of admission from abroad for reasons of international law or on urgent humanitarian grounds.” You can find the text here.
(March 2023)


Künstlersozialabgabe - the "user's contribution": social security contributions for artists and cross-border activities

Is it necessary to pay the special social security contributions for self-employed artists, the Künstlersozialabgabe (KSA) for events of German ensembles or bands abroad, or on fees for rehearsals or for artistic services abroad? Is KSA relevant for fees paid to artists/publicists from abroad who perform in Germany? Are foreign organisers of events in Germany liable to pay contributions and what happens when artists collect money from the public themselves? Answers to these questions can be found here.
(March 2023)


Appointment at the immigration office

Text by Kathleen Parker, Red Tape Translation, on some important things on how to be prepared for anything at your freelance residence permit appointment. You'll find it here.
(January 2023)


Short-term stays in Germany

When do I need a Schengen visa? Do I need a work permit when playing a concert in Germany? Etc. Information on short-term stays can be found here.
(August 2022)


Up-dated information on author’s rights

How does copyright work in Germany? Which rights do I have as an author? What do I have to bear in mind when exploiting my work? Etc. The information is available here.
(August 2022)


France - Germany

Our checklist on temporary work between Germany and France. Here it is.
(May 2022)


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