Mobility funding is a broad and very extensive field. Our funding database contains numerous programmes that support internationally active artists and cultural workers in a variety of ways (to/from Germany).
On this page we also offer further information on funding international activities and a collection of other funding databases.
Click here to go directly to the funding database.
Despite careful research, the database does not claim to be complete. The information on the individual programmes is subject to change. Please send us suggestions, additions and corrections via e-mail: info[at]
The types of funding included in the database are:
These include funding programmes and grants for train or plane tickets or other forms of transport in connection with a project abroad, such as self-organised trips for exhibitions or tours. This type of mobility funding is usually structured as outgoing "export" funding - meaning that it is offered at the local, state or federal level at the artist’s place of residence, rather than at the artist’s destination country. Our database focuses on funding programmes for artists living in Germany. Tips on other countries' export funding programmes for travel to Germany can be found, for example, in On The Move's Mobility Funding Guides or from our network partners in the Mobility Information Points working group in the other countries.
Residencies are organised work stays at a specific location in Germany or abroad, often linked to a scholarship or grant. Our database mainly contains residencies in Germany that offer residencies for artists living abroad, as well as residencies abroad for artists living in Germany that are organised by institutions in Germany. Detailed information and databases on other residency programmes abroad can be found on this page
In this category, we have grouped together project funding that either supports bilateral encounters between Germany and another country or promotes cultural contacts between Germany and other countries in general, such as cooperation projects between two organisations.
This category lists support programmes for artists at risk or refugees who are already in Germany or who are planning to come to Germany. The programmes are aimed both at the artists themselves (relocation scholarships or fellowships) and at organisations in Germany that want to apply for funding to work with the target group.
These funding programmes are aimed at professional visitors to festivals, fairs and industry meetings abroad looking for support for participating at events (accreditation fees), for travel and transport costs or for projects such as marketing measures abroad.
This category includes grants or funding programmes for participation in conferences, workshops, symposia or other further education and training events.
I am an artist living in Germany and am looking for funding for a project, stay, or residency abroad.
Make sure to select your federal state (Bundesland) in the "Residence" field so that only those grants are displayed that you can actually apply for. Especially in the area of travel and transport costs, many funding programmes are only intended for artists who live in the respective federal state. When you select a federal state, all funding programmes that can be applied for nationwide are automatically displayed as well.
We also recommend the following tips for stays abroad:
Our funding database only contains residencies abroad that are specifically intended for artists residing in Germany and are often linked to a grant from German funds. There are many other residencies abroad that you can research in the databases in the residency overview section.
I am an artist living abroad and am looking for funding for a project or stay in Germany.
In the area of travel and transport funding, our database mainly contains funding programmes for artists living in Germany, as most travel and transport funding is provided by the country or region in which the artists live (export, outgoing mobility).
Tips on other countries' export funding programmes for travel to Germany can be found, for example, in On The Move's Mobility Funding Guides or from our network partners in the Mobility Information Points working group in the other countries.
If you are part of an organisation and are planning a cooperation project with a partner in Germany, select "Transnational projects" in the "Funding type" field to see project funding for bilateral exchange projects.
I am an organiser in Germany and am looking for funding to invite artists living abroad to Germany.
In order to find funding programmes for mobility from abroad to Germany, you can use the database as if you were the artist living abroad: enter "Abroad" in the "Residence" field.
Travel and transport funding programmes are usually awarded by funding organizations in the artists' place of residence and must be applied for locally directly by the artists. Tips on such export funding programmes of other countries for travel to Germany can be found, for example, in the Mobility Funding Guides on the On The Move platform or from our network partners of the Mobility Information Points working group in the other countries.
However, you can also indirectly support mobility to Germany by applying for project funding for your event or project at the federal, state or municipal level in Germany and by including the travel and transport costs and adequate fees for the artists from abroad in the cost and financing plan. Contact the advisory services for the cultural and creative industries at the state level (in Berlin, Kreativ Kultur Berlin) for further advice on possible funding programmes.
Further tips:
The following databases and listings can be used for further research on opportunities for funding and support for international projects. Some are interdisciplinary, some address specific disciplines – most of them are provided in German language only.
Handbuch der Kulturpreise (only available in German)
Federal Ministry for Economic Affaires and Energy: funding database (only available in German)
Kreativ Kultur Berlin: Förderfinder
Tanzplan Deutschland: dance support (only available in German)
call for kunst: platform for theatre
German Music Information Centre: information on music support
Kunstbüro, Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg: newsletter
Literaturport: prizes & scholarships (only available in German)
Autorenwelt: information on support (only available in German)
German Federal Film Fund: film support (only available in German)
German Federal Film Board: list of supporters
Film und Medien Büro Niedersachsen: film support in Germany (only available in German)
Creative Europe MEDIA: film support in Germany
Cultural and Creative Industries Initiative: info on financing and support (only available in German)
Förderfibel. Der Ratgeber für Unternehmen und Existenzgründung (only available in German)
Lauri's Liste of Screenwriting Fellowships, Labs, Grants, Contests and Other Opportunities
furthermore ...
On the move: Open calls
On the Move: Funding Guides (country/region specific)