Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

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The Guide

Benefits abroad

Benefits during temporary stays in other European countries

Artists who fall ill while working in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom and to whom the legal provisions of the posting country continue to apply, can use their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to access benefits in the country of employment.

This card, which can be found on the back of the German health insurance card for those with statutory health insurance coverage in Germany, is intended to act solely as proof of coverage. Upon presentation, the bearer can access services from SHI physicians/dentists and SHI hospitals (physicians, dentists etc. who treat patients insured through the statutory health insurance scheme) in the same way as a person with statutory health insurance coverage in the respective country would. However, the services in question are limited to services that are deemed medically necessary by the physician/dentist, taking into account the length of the stay.

More detailed information can be obtained free of charge from the respective national contact point for cross-border healthcare. In Germany, this information can be accessed via the following link:

We recommend seeking advice from the national contact point in advance, especially for individuals with pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses. Since the statutory insurance coverage does not cover return transport or private treatments, for example, it is advisable to take out a private international health insurance policy to cover the duration of your stay abroad.

Artists with private health and long-term care insurance should determine the scope and maximum duration of their private insurance coverage abroad before starting any work abroad.

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Benefits in the case of ordinary residence in other European countries

An artist who, for example, works permanently as a cross-border commuter in one European country while living in another and regularly returns to his or her place of residence (at least once a week), is referred to as a cross-border commuter under EC law. Cross-border commuters are entitled to full benefits both in the country of insurance (the country in which they carry out their employment) and in the country of residence.

The health insurance institution in the country of insurance issues form S1 to enable the artist to access benefits in the country of residence. Upon presentation of this certificate in the country of residence, insured persons can access all non-cash benefits that persons with statutory insurance in the country of residence could, but at the expense of the issuing institution in the country of insurance. Entitlement to cash benefits (e.g. sickness benefits, nursing care allowance, etc.) is governed exclusively by the legislation of the country of employment.

A pianist works at the Vienna State Opera during the week and returns to his family in Munich every weekend.

Consequence: Due to his employment in Vienna, the pianist is insured through the Wiener Gesundheitskasse (Vienna health insurance fund). Since he qualifies as a cross-border commuter under EC law, the health insurance fund issues him a certificate with the designation S1. If he presents this certificate to a statutory health insurance fund of his choice in his place of residence (Germany), he will receive a German health insurance card from this fund, which will enable him to access all non-cash benefits an employee with statutory health insurance coverage in Germany could.

Additional information on cross-border commuters can be found here: DVKA Merkblatt für Grenzgängerinnen und Grenzgänger (DVKA information sheet for cross-border commuters) (only available in German).

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Check lists

Temporary work in
Germany and France pdf

Checklist Health insurance
abroad pdf

Deutsches Studierendenwerk: Aufenthalts- und Sozialrecht für internationale Studierende (2024, in German)