Dear Fellows of Weltoffenes Berlin,
You have been awarded a fellowship this year, which will provide you with the financial means to develop your artistic career and gain a foothold in Berlin at the same time. touring artists has been supporting the fellows of Weltoffenes Berlin since 2018. We help with drafting the fellowship-contracts, advise on the first administrative steps (e.g. regarding the KSK and invoicing issues) and offer insights into the structure of Berlin's art and culture scene. In addition to the information on our website and our free advisory service, we offer accompanying workshops and network meetings for the fellows of Weltoffenes Berlin under the title GET TOGETHER. The workshops will take place on the following three dates this year
The next and last GET TOGETHER will take place on November 18 from 10am-1pm at the ITI Media Library at Bethanien (Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin).
We will focus on the question of how to proceed after the fellowship has ended. We want to exchange on your projects, your plans and ideas, have a deeper look into other funding oppurtinities and at last also have a look on the topic of residence permits and questions regarding migration law: What kind of work am I allowed to do? What are possibilities of extension?
As in the past version we will also welcome a guest: Marcela Villanueva, curator and founder of the feminist art producer company Karne Kunst and the network Sorora – and also author of the book “Funding Fiesta: A Quirky, First-Hand Proofed, and Not Very Modest Handbook for Artists and Creatives in Germany".
10.00 am Welcome
10.15 am Current situation of the Fellows’ projects and plans for 2025 and later
11.15 am Input on funding (Marcela Villanueva)
11.45 am Coffebreak
12.00 pm Residence permit: What kind of work am I allowed to do? What are possibilities of extension? (by touring artists team)
Looking forward to seeing you!